How to use Cold wax medium

Painting in cold wax and oils

Are you new to cold wax and oil painting? As you might know I am hooked on painting in cold wax medium and oils and I love to share my knowledge and experiences through my classes and my blogs. When I started painting in cold wax medium a few years ago, the technique was very new to me and there was not a lot of information, especially not here in Europe, so I had to test and experiment which greatly helped me develop my own style of (figurative) cold wax painting.

What is Cold Wax Medium?

Cold wax medium can be mixed with oils to create a textured and layered painting. The medium is made of a mixture of natural beeswax, solvents, and resins and it has a buttery consistency. If you apply it to your surface, it is a bit like icing a cake which is very satisfying! (more on ‘what is cold wax medium’ here)

How to mix cold wax medium and oil paints

To use cold wax medium and oils, you'll need to mix them together. Start by adding a small amount of cold wax medium to your oil paint, and mix it thoroughly with a palette knife. You can add more or less cold wax medium depending on the desired effect, but most of the time I use the ratio 50% paint and 50% cold wax medium. However, for a more translucent layer, add more cold wax medium. You can also add a bit of Gamblin Solvent Free Gel to make you mix more fluid and more flexible.

Which techniques can be used when painting with cold wax medium and oils?

There are a number of techniques you can use when painting with cold wax medium and oils:

  • Texture making: You can make textures in your cold wax medium and oil painting with anything you can find (you will get very creative, I had a student that used a shaving brush!). No need to go to an art shop, just look around in your home, especially your kitchen. You can use skewers, oil brushes, cookie stamps, a fork, bubblewrap etc..)

  • Layering: Build up layers of color and texture by applying multiple thin layers of paint mixed with cold wax medium.

  • Scraping: Use a palette knife or scraper to remove layers of paint, revealing the layers underneath. This technique can create interesting texture and depth in your painting.

  • Mark-making: Use a variety of tools to make marks in the paint, such as brushes, sponges, or even your fingers. This technique can create interesting textures and patterns in your painting.

  • Scribbling: Draw with oil sticks, Neo Colour II, Marabu Art Crayons, soft pastels etc..

  • Using Collage: Add your (home made) collage to your painting to create beautiful effects


Tips for Using Cold Wax Medium and Oils

Here are some tips to keep in mind when using cold wax medium and oils. Experiment with different ratios of cold wax medium to oil paint to find the right consistency for your desired effect. Some paints are stiff or on the contrary very oily so they need different amounts of cold wax. If your paint is very oily, you can add a bit of marble dust to get the desired stiffness (and it will dry faster too!)

Work in layers, allowing each layer to dry before adding the next. This will help you build up texture and depth in your painting. I like the layers to be more than ‘dry to the touch’ so that is why I work on several paintings at the same time. Patience is the key here! A common mistake is to start too early, the outside seems dry but inside the oil/cold wax is still wet and you will flatten the textures and eventually pick up the colours of the under lying layers and create mud.

Use a variety of tools to create interesting textures and patterns in your painting. Try out different tools, test their effects on a wet, semi-dry and dry surface. Play and experiment!

Clean your brushes and tools with baby oil and baby wipes, no need to use a solvent.

Texture and layering

Using cold wax medium and oils can be a rewarding and creative way to add texture and depth to your paintings. With the right techniques and a bit of experimentation, you can achieve a range of effects and create truly unique works of art. So go ahead, grab some cold wax medium and oils, and start painting! My Moto:

Explore, experiment and have fun!

If you need more guidance and more info on the tools, techniques and their effects you can achieve, sign up for my online class ‘Getting Started with cold wax medium’ - the basics. Would love to see you in class!

As always, don’t hesitate to ask me questions, I would love to connect with you!💙

PS. If you want to learn more about painting with me, here’s things you can checkout now:


Read more:


10 Top texture tools


What is cold wax medium?